Exam Prep Camp

Drop off and Pick Up: The day will start promptly at 09.30am and finish at 5pm. Cover will be available from 9.00am each day until 5.30pm


Please could you ensure your child has:

  1. Pens, scissors, glue, 2-3 highlighter pens of different colours, a book to read (in English) and an English Dictionary;
  2. An English book they have read that they can give a verbal review of during the week;
  3. A Packed Lunch (we are not able heat up food );
  4. 2 small snacks one each for the morning and afternoon break;
  5. Water (or bottles for water) : this is considered the best liquid for the brain;
  6. Balls etc. for breaks;
  7. Some pictures of space exploration for a Philosophy session on  Thursday afternoon

No electronic games please

Lunch: Lunch will be from 1 to 2pm.  Please provide a packed lunch and drink for your child


Programme During the five days, the children will be working on the 4 main language skills: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, with an emphasis on comprehension and creative writing skills.  During the week a mock interview will be carried out and on the last morning the children will sit a mock exam. In the afternoons, the children will participate in a variety of creative activities which will encourage their use of English and enable them to use their creative skills further. 


We will send out a short Report Card after the holiday explaining where your child performed well and outlining areas that need improvement.


We will be working very hard, so I hope your child will come willing to learn and participate in all the activities. We have a waiting list for this course and we are anxious to make the best use of the time and places available.


Thank you in advance for your help and cooperation. 


Britt, Ciara, Diana, Gillian and Matt


École Sainte Catherine


Metro line 10 Maubert-Mutualité

Buses 24, 47, 63, 86, 87

13 bis rue des Bernardins
75005 Paris
Monday, 10 February, 2020 to Friday, 14 February, 2020

Camp registration option(s): 

Exam Prep Camp

First child: 
Second child: 
Third (and subsequent) child: 