Congratulations to our Exam Prep students!

We can't let this year end without saying a special congratulations to all of our students who worked so hard this year in preparation for various entrance exams for 6eme and lycée. Whether they were in one of our Exam Prep year long classes, or the Exam Prep February camp, or our boot camp, or some combination of them, their hard work paid off. We are so proud of them and can't wait to hear what they do next year. Wherever our students choose to go, it will be a good path for them!

Each year's acceptances vary based on where the students are applying to and this year was no different than past years and the range of schools. This year includes some schools new to us, and should be of interest to families in the future. Congratulations to our students getting into Massillon (Eléonore D.), Balzac (Milan F., Isaac G., Mana V M.), Camille Sée (Vivienne P., Ronan G., Corentin W B., Romane F.,), Ravel (Zol U., Sacha B McB, Esther D., Loé G.), Montaigne (Lina A., Oscar O., ), Voltaire (Rishi A.,), EIB (in 2nde) (Lena C.), La Tour (Karen Y., Ronan G., Gabriel F.), Sevigné (Ronan G., Romane F., Valentina M.), Alsacienne (Vivienne P., Karen Y.), Lubeck (Ronan G.), La Source (Neil C S.), Collège Rocroy Saint Vincent de Paul (Aster R.), and Collège les Renardières (American section) (Jean P.).