Exam Preparation support! See what we have to offer next year...

Roaming Schoolhouse has years of experience preparing their students for international section entrance exams at the collège and lycée levels for students wanting to obtain the BFI (previously known as the OIB). In person and online classes, weeklong and weekend boot camps are offered for specific exam preparation, to teach test taking techniques, offer targeted reading comprehension and creative writing support, as well as work to improve the oral expression necessary for the all-important interviews (including poetry analysis). Our students consistently get places in schools such as Massillon, Alsacienne, Sévigné, La Tour, EABJM, and the international sections at the public schools (Balzac, Montaigne, Camille Sée, Maurice Ravel, Voltaire, SIS Paris Ouest).

RSH also offers classes for taking external exams such as the IGCSE and Cambridge exams (B2 or C1).

Visit our future classes page here and please don’t hesitate to get in touch to learn more about how we can help your child do their best in an exam evaluating their English level – whether it is for entrance into a school or otherwise.