
Exam Preparation support! See what we have to offer next year...

Roaming Schoolhouse has years of experience preparing their students for international section entrance exams at the collège and lycée levels for students wanting to obtain the BFI (previously known as the OIB). In person and online classes, weeklong and weekend boot camps are offered for specific exam preparation, to teach test taking techniques, offer targeted reading comprehension and creative writing support, as well as work to improve the oral expression necessary for the all-important interviews (including poetry analysis).

YAFF deadline April 1!

Does your child like writing short stories? Then they should consider entering a story in the YAFF writing competition (if they haven't already). The Young Authors Fiction Festival is free to enter and is open to all young authors, from Kindergarten/Grande Section to 12th Grade/Terminale, who write in English and live in France.  

Visit the American Library website for more details on the competition : rules and how to submit. 

Interested in an international section?

Then think about signing up your child to the Exam Prep camp coming up, from 20 - 24 February.  The week is organized to allow for a lot of reading comprehension and writing practice, and there will be mock interviews .....

For more information/ to sign up, visit our Camps page

And consider going to Open Houses when possible! The next ones we are aware of:

Collège Voltaire (in the 11th): Saturday, January 14  (9h - 12h)

Collège Camille Sée (in the 15th): Saturday, February 11 (from 9h30)

We can't wait for classes to start!!

Classes start the week of September 12. Yes, as in next week - yeah! We can't wait to see your children's smiling faces and to have a great year with them. 


An email with be going out with details on what to bring for class and in case you don't see it, the details are provided here too:

1) every child should have their own pencil case in class, much like what they would bring to their regular school, with writing implements (pen/ pencil), eraser, scissors, glue, colored pencils/ pens.